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"Empowering Women on International Women's Day"


Happy International Women's Day to all our Wonderful Women! At Neurodiversity UK we love celebrating everyone and today we get to highlight the amazing women in our community! As our PRO ( Public Relations Officer) I get to send the love around our team.

First up is our Director Of Operations - Ruth Magee, Ruth set up Neurodiversity UK back in 2013, In the 11 years since establishing Neurodiversity UK, Ruth has created a team of 7 strong women, the team she has built all came looking for support and Ruth has moulded us into women who are resilient in the face of adversity. We have all been through tough times and Ruth knows it more than most, being diagnosed as a neurodiverse woman as an adult.

Secondly and I hope she doesn't hate me for this.... Lesley Neill our Chairperson and Financial Officer, This woman never fails to make me laugh or put a smile on my face, from our very serious work humour to my you know you love me ... requests. I don't think I'd be half the PRO I am today without her.

Next up is our Family Support Facilitator and Helen's car chat buddy who can put the world to rights in the matter of minutes. Kirsty Hull, so funny and caring with an ear ready to hear the world's woes.

We might end up doing a few car podcasts... Did we just let the cat out of the bag... whoops more on that later.

Our Educational Support Facilitator is up next and if you ever need a hug, her arms are always open, she can make you laugh in a heartbeat, and her wealth of knowledge in the educational sector is second to none. Our PRO knows that whenever she needs someone to understand her and make sense of her scribbles or other members scribbles, She can decipher any writing.

So to all the women we support out there we hope you know that you're loved and special, and you can do anything you set your minds too.



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